Thursday, November 8, 2007

South Park - Guitar Queer-O (Season 11 Episode 13, 2007)

As both a Guitar Hero and South Park fanatic this latest episode of SP really made my day.
"Obsessed with the Guitar Hero video game, Stan and Kyle make a great team and score record points when they play. Stan realizes he has the potential for enormous success if he plays with another partner. He and Kyle break up but, without his friend, Stan quickly folds under the pressure of being a rockstar".

Download (173 Mb): MegaUpload / Streaming: South Park X

South Park Studios / South Park @ Comedy Central / South Park @ IMDb / South Park @ Wikipedia / South Park X


  1. Oh, man... I LOVE this episode. Huzzah to South Park for having the guts to make fun of many members of their own audience.

  2. your blog is very nice. i like your blog. i love this show. it is one of my favorite show.
